More than 95% of cars in the US are gasoline-powered. That could be one of the reasons why there are so many misconceptions about diesel engines. Fortunately, diesel engines are attracting more attention for their fuel efficiency and lower emissions. In this article, we discount some of the common diesel engine myths.
Myth #1. Diesel Engines Produce More CO2
Diesel engines indeed release many different types of hydrocarbon emissions than gasoline-powered vehicles. However, gasoline vehicles usually produce more carbon dioxide gas per mile.
The confusion arises from the fact that diesel produces significantly more carbon dioxide per gallon. But since diesel burns fuel more efficiently, it has 40% CO2 emissions compared to gasoline.
Additionally, diesel emissions refer to the different types of hydrocarbons it emits. But gasoline produces greater quantities of hydrocarbon emissions.
Gas-powered cars run on an imperfect fuel-to-air mixture. An ideal mix in the gasoline engine can lead to overheating or a premature failure of critical parts. Gasoline vehicles are designed to operate on dirty fuel to protect the engine.
Myth #2: Diesel Engine Vehicles Are Slower
Another common misconception is that diesel engines are slow than gas-powered ones. Since most trucks and heavy-duty vehicles use diesel, most people assume it must be slower.
Gasoline-powered vehicles tend to have higher top speeds. It has a higher RPM due to the shorter piston stroke, resulting in lower torque. Diesel trucks have a longer piston stroke to achieve a higher torque for heavy-duty applications.
The latest versions of diesel combustion engines use the turbo charge to achieve higher top speeds. They can attain similar acceleration rates as gasoline engines.
Myth #3: Diesel Engines Haven’t Changed
Despite the misconceptions, diesel engines have changed considerably in the past decade. They have more improvements in horsepower and performance than vehicles of similar size.
Manufacturers have also integrated electrification and hybridization technologies. Mechanics today have to update their diesel technician training certification to be effective. The complexity of the latest technologies requires up-to-date skills and knowledge.
Myth #4: Diesel Engines will not Start in Winter
The problem with diesel is that it tends to liquefy in cold weather. The combustion process needs to aerosolize the fuel to keep the engine running. Therefore, the fuel may not burn effectively to start the vehicle.
Nevertheless, that was an issue with older diesel vehicles. Modern engines incorporate glow plugs to aerosolize the fuel so that it can burn. It may also have block heaters to raise temperatures in sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, modern engines can operate reliably in winter climates.
Myth 5: Diesel Engines are More Expensive to Operate
The higher cost of diesel fuel may seem prohibitive for business people with a fleet of vehicles. But if you consider all factors, diesel is more cost-effective to operate. It experiences fewer critical parts failures and has a better fuel economy.
Diesel vehicles have undergone considerable transformation in the last ten years. According to Universal Technical Institute, diesel technicians are in demand. You can get more information on automotive repairs and maintenance courses from the UTI website.
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