Patients can experience stubborn pains in different parts of their body, and there can be various reasons for them. These reasons can include injury by accident, the consequence of old age, pain after surgery, and sometimes other underlying illnesses that can cause pain. For these reasons, patients go for physiotherapy in Edmonton.
Physiotherapy in Edmonton Healing these Stubborn Panis
It has been mentioned above that patients can feel pain in several parts of their body, which can be muscular or caused by nerve damage. Whatever the reason or intensity may be, physiotherapy clinics can heal the following stubborn pains.
Pain in the Lower Back
Pain in the lower back is the most common workplace pain patients suffer. If the pain episodes occur more than once a month or they are becoming regular, you should immediately visit a clinic for the best physiotherapy in Edmonton.
Whiplash Treatment
Whiplash injuries are often difficult to detect because they might occur a few weeks or months after a vehicle accident. The spine muscles and ligaments are damaged, which can cause pain.
Chronic Shoulder Pain
When the spine and neck muscles and nerves are damaged, the pain travels from these areas to the shoulders and the rest of the arms. The different therapy options that clinics include customized exercise programs, Deep Oscillation, Magnetic Therapy, Shockwave Therapy, and Laser Therapy.
Intense Knee Pain
Intense knee pain is a consequence of old age when muscles, bones, and nerves become weak, and they start causing pain. Often the therapists at clinics like Regenerate Shockwave Therapy find out that the patient has suffered an injury and the pain is the result of that.
Stubborn Spinal Pain Treated by Best Physiotherapy in Edmonton
Spinal pain is usually caused by nerve damage as all nerves stemming from the brain reach different parts of the body through the spine. So, the spine should be given special attention.
Foor Pain Treatment
Injuries like Arthritis, Plantar Fasciitis, ligament strain and sprain, Bunions, and heel spurs can cause extreme pain in your feet. These can cause immobility and restrict you from daily activities.
Treatment Methods Used for Stubborn Pains
Different physiotherapy clinics in Edmonton have various treatment options for stubborn pains. These treatment methods are combined with physical exercises to increase their efficiency. This combined treatment is also called physiotherapy.
Shockwave Therapy
The special equipment used for shockwave therapy emits super sonic sound waves that help rapid tissue healing and reduce inflammation. This happens when the stem cells are activated. Two types of shockwave treatments are used Radial Pressure Wave and Extracorpeal Focus Shockwave.
Spinal Decompression
This therapy method is used to heal intense pains in the lower back and the spinal cord. After this treatment, the patient will feel relaxed as their pain has decreased.
IMS Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the oldest methods of relieving pain as it has been used for thousands of years, starting in China. Tiny harmless needles are inserted in the area of pain to trigger the muscles and nerves to relieve the pain.
Deep Oscillation Therapy
This therapy is performed with special equipment that can be worn as gloves. The applicator is rotated in a circular motion, creating vibrations in the muscles for better healing.
These are the stubborn pains healed by physiotherapy in Edmonton, and the treatment options are also given; so that the patients can make the right decision.
Details news here
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