If you’re considering taking chlorophyll supplements it’s important to know the benefits and potential side effects of this substance. These benefits range from its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties to its role in liver function and prevention of cold sores. To learn more, read on! Listed below are some of the most common side effects and how you can avoid them.
Anti-Cancer Properties
Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have found evidence that chlorophyllin has potent anti-cancer properties. The research involved animals with DMBA-induced hamster cheek pouch carcinomas. They found that chlorophyllin inhibited the growth of the tumours. The researchers say this is the first direct evidence that chlorophyllin can inhibit cancer growth.
In a recent study, chlorophyll inhibited the growth of stomach and liver tumours in mice. These findings indicate that chlorophyll can act as a mild chemotherapeutic drug and stop the progression of the disease. This plant compound is naturally present in many foods and is easy to consume. However, it is important to note that this research was conducted on mice and is therefore only limited to animal studies.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The anti-inflammatory effects of chlorophyll have been studied by researchers in animal models. Using carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats and mice, chlorophyll a inhibits the expression of the gene TNF-a. Chlorophyll b inhibits inflammation and binds to carcinogens, inhibiting their synthesis. The findings point to a new role for chlorophyll in fighting cancer.
It has been shown that chlorophyllin affects the microbiota of the gut. This is mediated through its effect on host immunity. Furthermore, chlorophyllin’s effects on gut microbiota are acute and can be attributed to a number of mechanisms. In one study, chlorophyllin administration resulted in a reduction of endotoxin in plasma and a reduction in liver fibrosis.
Aids in Liver Function
The dietary supplement chlorophyllin has many benefits, including the ability to balance the microbiota of the gut and reducing liver fibrosis. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for liver fibrosis in laboratory animals, including mice. Chlorophyllin can directly inhibit the Firmicutes bacterium and inhibit the NF-kB signalling pathway. Chlorophyllin has also been shown to inhibit the production of inflammatory molecules in the intestine.
The research on liver fibrosis has shown that oral chlorophyllin supplementation can alleviate the effects of CCl4 induced liver fibrosis in mice. In this study, BALB/c male mice were randomly divided into three groups and administered carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intraperitoneally for eight weeks. The mice were then given chlorophyllin in drinking water at a dose of 25 mg/mL, equivalent to five milligrams per kilogram of body mass. After the toxin treatment, the liver tissues were stained with Hematoxylin and eosin to determine the chlorophyllin effect on the liver.
Helps Prevent Cold Sores
Many of us have heard about the antiviral and antibacterial properties of chlorophyll. However, we may not realise that chlorophyll can actually help prevent cold sores. The antiviral and antibacterial properties of chlorophyll are what makes it a valuable ingredient for curing cold sores. In addition to its beneficial effects on skin, chlorophyll can also prevent the spread of cold sores and herpes. To help you combat these infections, you should try consuming foods high in chlorophyll.
Chlorophyllin helps prevent colds and shingles outbreaks. It is also beneficial for the immune system, reducing the risk of cancer and improving overall health. Chlorophyll has been proven to reduce inflammation and promote granulation, a process by which new connective tissue is produced. Its benefits are widely recognized, and if you suffer from cold sores, chlorophyll may be the best solution for you.
May Reduce Risk of Cancer
A new study suggests that eating foods high in chlorophyll might reduce the risk of cancer. Rainbow trout exposed to aflatoxins were found to have significantly reduced tumours. The researchers believe that chlorophyll is a protective agent, blocking the absorption of aflatoxins and related carcinogens. The protective effects of chlorophyllin were first discovered in rainbow trout. However, researchers aren’t yet certain whether chlorophyllin can have similar effects in humans.
A recent study conducted in China indicates that chlorophyllin may reduce the risk of cancer in humans. The researchers found that chlorophyllin may reduce the absorption of aflatoxin, a fungi toxin. Aflatoxin causes liver cancer, so the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma may be reduced. However, further studies are needed to confirm these findings. Chlorophyllin is an effective natural antioxidant, as it is not harmful to the liver.
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